Friday, September 12, 2014

A Year-End Commitment: Engage Yourself

by Susan Cramm  |   11:13 AM December 21, 2009
We are selfish creatures. At our best, we reach out to others in their time of need, sometimes at great personal cost to ourselves. At our worst, we spend our time and money on wants, not needs, oblivious to our good fortune relative to others.
Last year at this time, I wrote a “Christmas wish” blog post, imploring employers to wrap their arms around their employees rather than shove them out the door. Millions of lost jobs later, employees are responding in kind. Many distrust their employers and are more disengaged from their jobs than ever. Employees are staying put, for now. But their behavior is an expression of the need to survive, not of satisfaction. Many are just waiting for an opportunity to escape.
In a recent conversation, a senior level leader — employed and well compensated — shared that he was bored. The economic slowdown brought about dramatic cuts in capital funding, and the exciting projects upon which he thrives.
Poor baby. Existing somewhere far above Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, he self-indulgently considers what he has lost rather than what he can give. In doing so, he is blind to the plethora of opportunities created by this new normal. In his business, for example, customers are changing their definition of what they need and what they can pay. There are tremendous opportunities to mine existing data to better understand buying behavior. Opportunities like this aren’t gated by money, but by care and concern — for the organization and the people within it.
To be sure, employers are reaping what they sow. They have taught us that the world of business isn’t the fair but cruel system of “up or out” but rather an arbitrary and cavalier game of “when we are down, you are out.”
They have no right to expect more. But we should expect more of ourselves.
We should hold ourselves to a higher standard. We should never let others define our character. We have to give better than we get. Not because the company deserves it, but because we owe it to ourselves. Productive work and random acts of kindness are in themselves a just reward. We are built to connect, create, and love — and in doing so, we make a life that is worth living and a world that is a joy to live in.
If you are wondering if you are giving or simply waiting to get, ask yourself these two questions:
  1. 1. If you had another job, would leaving your company be difficult?
  2. 2. After you left, would anybody call?
If the answer to both of the questions is “no,” then it’s likely that you are treating your job, the company, and the people within it as a relationship of convenience rather than commitment.
The worst may be over, but the best may be a fading memory rather than a near term reality.
It’s up to you (and me).
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Susan Cramm is the founder and president of Valuedance. A former CFO and CIO, she is an expert on IT leadership. She is the author of 8 Things We Hate About IT.

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